Empower Generations Books andĀ Coaching

Three full color children's books that have been woven into a coaching program called RAISE STABLE CHILDREN IN AN UNSTABLE WORLD.  These books can be purchased as stand alones, in a set, or are included in the coaching program.  Click below to explore your options!


This book is available in physical hardback format, digital download on Amazon, and audio book on Apple.

What you'll get:

  • Colorful Hardback Book
  • Beautiful full page illustrations
  • Great discussion starters

Click below for information on all options!




This book is available in physical hardback format, digital download on Amazon, and audio book on Apple.

What you'll get:

  • Colorful Hardback Book
  • Beautiful full page illustrations
  • Great discussion starters

Click below for information on all options!



This book will soon be available in physical hardback format, digital download on Amazon and Apple.

What you'll get:

  • Colorful Hardback Book
  • Beautiful full pageĀ illustrations
  • Great discussion starters

Click below for information on all options!


What People Are Saying:

Connie Coyle

"I am a single mom of two boys. My husband, their dad, passed away two years ago. As a full-time working mom with not much family support I often lack time and sometimes patience for my children. Therefore, it is especially important to me to spend quality time with them, with meaningful conversations and the ability to recognize opportunities to speak truth and light into their lives. As a believer in Christ, it is my desire for my children to see God’s love and to follow his guidance in their lives.

When I started Barbara’s coaching sessions, I found exactly what I was looking for. Reading her books with my children opened up opportunities for conversations about difficult and painful topics, how to cope with them and reinforced God’s amazing compassion and love for us. I loved that each one of those sessions is recorded and made available to be downloaded in addition to individualized worksheets, prayers over our family, and cross references to scripture. Barbara has a very likable personality and is passionate to provide tools and support to struggling parents to overcome obstacles that prevent effective communication with their children. I can absolutely recommend her counseling sessions and books. I feel like there is so much more I could mention in this recommendation, because Barbara made a significant impact on me and my family."

Paula Taylor
Anchorage, AK

"This coaching/training is LIFE CHANGING! You will realize the hurt and lies about yourself that you have been carrying around for years and Barbara will lead you and your family on a healing journey. The training is organized, step-by-step with practical, insightful, well-balanced dialogue that applies to myself, my family, and the teen moms I work with. It has opened my eyes to additional ways of interacting with others as they deal with dysfunction and hurts from their past, helping them to heal as they recognize lies they have been believing.

I loved the books and the progression of the steps. It has changed the way I speak over my son's life and given me insights on how to talk him through his healing and answer his questions. It will change the way that I interact with others and speak Jesus’ truth and life to allow them to live a full life with tools to heal and prevent further hurt and disfunction. This coaching/training has positively impacted my life and my son. I would definitely recommend working with Barbara to change your family."

Liz Osorio
Anchorage, AK

"I have been given the gift of realizing past pain and how it has affected me in order to move forward. It has also changed how I interact with myself and others. This coaching/training has given me tools that are life changing and the insights to live my life drawing nearer to God and, in turn, to others that I interact with. It has begun to heal my heart, help me influence my son and the young moms I work with. I plan to continue working with Barbara and would definitely recommend her as a coach."

Jennifer Barth
Anchorage, AK

"This coaching training with Barbara opened up new ways of thinking and addressing life's struggles. Barbara is very thorough and I loved each example from the books. The books are powerful, yet simple to understand. She was able to break down concepts into easily understood steps to use in my own life, but also with my children and the young mom's I am working with.

My biggest take away was the creation of boundaries for people in our lives and the work sheets to use with children were very helpful. This coaching/training has changed my life by making me so much more aware in the day-to-day of what lies damage can cause and how to take away the power of them. I felt very comfortable and at peace when sharing and appreciated having a safe place to talk. I would definitely recommend working with Barbara."