Protecting Your Heart
Offense, Get Off My Fence is about guarding your heart from outside attacks with practical ways to overcome offense and build healthy boundaries. It also explores trust, responsibility, and communication. It starts with the premise that our hearts are a valuable treasure to be carefully guarded.
Offense Get Off My Fence walks the reader through offensive scenarios and alternative choices they have to help them overcome offense. The focus is on everyday situations with the idea that when people practice with the little things, they can apply the strategies to the bigger things.
It explores the offense cycle and the lies we believe that shape our view of our world.
It teaches how to build and enforce effective, healthy boundaries. Even Jesus had boundaries.
It shows the walls we build to protect ourselves and how to tear those walls down with forgiveness.
Forgiveness doesn’t mean that what the person did to hurt you is OK, but it does reverse the offense cycle and sets you free.
The coaching program that goes with Offense Get Off My Fence teaches parents how to help their children protect themselves from offense, how to build healthy boundaries and enforce them, and how forgiveness heals our hearts.
What are people saying? Amazon
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Kids need to learn at an early age that how they react to others is a choice. The choice they make, whether or not to be offended by what others say and do, can affect the way they think about themselves and how they respond in any given situation in their lives. This book does an excellent job of providing different scenarios in which a child (or adult) can make the choice to be offended or not, and what the results can be of that decision. After all the "self-help" books for adults, it is good to see one designed to help children through the challenges of the choices they have to make growing up in today's society. This book has even helped me as an adult stop and think before I react to an offensive situation.
What are people saying? Apple
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I bought this book to read to my grandchildren. It is especially good for a child starting school. My grandson is kind and sensitive and the lessons in this book really helped prepare him for some of the unkind remarks other children can say or actions they take. He is now in second grade and another parent recently commented that his daughter really likes him because he plays with everyone, is never mean to others, and is the first person to stand up for any kid that is getting bullied. I think the lessons in this book contributed to his development. I would recommend this book for all children and the adults who love them.