Generational Cleansing

Let the Blessings FLOW!

God is a God of generations.  Both blessings and curses flow through generations.  So why do so many of God’s children spin their wheels in the curses and not in the blessings?  My people perish for lack of knowledge.  (Hosea 4:6)

I (the LORD) lavish unfailing love to a thousand generations.  I forgive iniquity, rebellion, and sin.  But I do not excuse the guilty.  I lay the sins of the parents upon their children and grandchildren; the entire family is affected--even children in the third and fourth generations.  (Exodus 34:6-7)

Yes, sins are only carried to four generations; but at the end of that last generation, Satan does everything he can to get the fourth generation to agree with the legal ground again so he can continue the curse another four generations.  

It is God's mercy that cuts the consequences of sin to 3 or 4 generations while releasing blessings to 1,000 generations.  That is a big difference!

 Is it fair?  Is it God's will?

·      The Garden of Eden was designed by God to build blessings upon blessings.

·      God's laws are impartial.  God designed the law of sowing and reaping for blessings; but when sin entered, this law worked for evil as well as good.  

·      Jesus took sins upon Himself positionally, but we have to appropriate it.

·      Families are God's first form of government and all societies are based on family.  Satan is out to weaken families and prevent them from fulfilling their destinies.

·      God doesn't always get what He wants because He has given man a free will and Satan stole Adam's authority over the earth.  God doesn't want any to perish, but people perish every day because they have not chosen Jesus.  

·      God does NOT control people; Satan does.  God always gives us a choice and a voice.

Do you see these patterns in your family?

  • Violence
  • Addictions
  • Poverty
  • Premature death
  • Divorce and broken families
  • Sickness and disease 
  • Barrenness

 If you can relate to any of these, then this special coaching program is going to be life-changing for you and your generations.

What you get with this coaching program:

  • Weekly teachings with prayer
  • Recordings of all sessions
  • Handouts and power point presentations

How bad could it get?

Before I unpack the specifics, I want you to consider for a moment, the results of doing nothing.  Ignoring a problem doesn't make it go away; it makes the problem worse!  

In fact, if you ignore the patterns and problems; it has been my experience that each generation tends to get exponentially worse!  Maybe you are the one God is calling to stand in the gap for your generations.

  • Generation 1: Your grandparents marriage has one spouse who tends to be controlling.  
  • Generation 2:  That control becomes familiar to the children and they tend to marry controlling people as well, but even though it is a problem, it does not break up the family.  
  • Generation 3:  The control is familiar to their children who then choose controlling people, but by this generation one spouse is a full-blown narcissist who causes divorce and brings ruin to the grandchildren.

 The stakes only get higher and higher with more and more stress, trauma, and brokenness with each succeeding generation!  This is Satan's plan.

This program will release BLESSINGS to you and your future generations!

The enemy can only bring devastation on your family when he has someone's permission!  Permission in any form is what is called a "legal right".  It is time to discover the roots of the curses and appropriate what Jesus did on the cross to reverse them!  Some of the things we will deal with are as follows:

roken Covenants

God says, "Let your yes be yes and your no be no". (Matt 5:37)  In today's society, integrity is no longer a thing we pride ourselves on and it is almost expected that people will cheat unless details are nailed down in legal documents.  Examples of broken covenants include:

  • Divorce
  • Adultery
  • Not paying off financial contracts
  • Breaking promises
  • Not doing what you say.  

 ack in finances, relationships and health

Broken covenants cause famine and drought (lack) in important areas of your life including marriages, finances, business, and relationship to name a few.  Broken Covenants can prevent the blessings of God from being received.  The devil has a legal right to resist God's blessings, destinies, and giftings.  Learn how to take Satan's rights away with this program.

E vil for good

When we return evil for good, the evil comes down on us and our generations.  Prov. 17:13 says “Evil will never leave the house of one who pays back evil for good.”  Sometimes it looks like people get away with evil, but the Bible says, “Judge nothing before the appointed time.” (1 Cor. 4:5).  The family is a unit and what affects one, affects all.  Sometimes trades are made to the enemy that are not for the trader only, but for all descendants.  Some examples for returning evil for good include:

  • Gossip/slander
  • Control/manipulation
  • Stealing
  • Anger and rage
  • Betrayal

 S exual sin

God created sex and it is a blessing when done within the confines of marriage.  Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit and sexual immorality desecrates this temple.   1 Cor 6:19

However, outside of the boundaries that God set for sexual activity, it brings a curse.  It defiles and degrades a person because it cuts to the core of humans in a way that other sins do not.  

Examples of sexual sin are pornography, sex outside of marriage, and adultery to name a few that are rampant in our society.  It starts small and soon we are witnessing sexual identity confusion and transgender agendas forced on our children.  The wages of sin are death and this is one area where it is easy to see how Satan started small and increased the curse on subsequent generations as we accepted the compromises.

S hedding of innocent blood

Killing a person prematurely can be the root of premature death in your family line.  Probably the most common source of shedding innocent blood is abortion because children are definitely innocent!  God created man in His own image and the purpose and destiny of that person is aborted!  Abortion has touched many families--it is time to heal!  

dolatry and occult

Deut. 18:10-11. For example, never sacrifice you son or daughter as a burnt offering.  And do not let your people practice fortune-telling, or use sorcery, or interpret omens, or engage in witchcraft, or cast spells, or function as mediums or psychics, or call forth the spirits of the dead.  

We are often ignorant and unaware or what this entails and the severe consequences our families reap because of it.

N egating curses

There are many kinds of curses, but simply defined they are negative things spoken over people.  They can come from multiple sources, but those spoken by someone in authority over you are often the most potent.  Examples of people in authority who can speak potent curses are first and foremost parents.  When the president of a nation speaks curses, they apply to the whole nation!  Discover the subtle ways the enemy uses our words against us and our generations.

enerational blessings 

Did you know that we are still recipients of the blessings of Abraham?  Gal 3:14  Through Christ Jesus, God has blessed the Gentiles with the same blessing he promised to Abraham, so that we who are believers might receive the promised Holy Spirit through faith.

There are specific things we can do to release the blessings of God not only on ourselves, but on our families and our generations!  

Are you ready to step into the stream of BLESSING that it is God's desire for you to have?

What is the next serious step?

If you want to stand in the gap for your generations to see your children and grandchildren walk in blessings instead of curses, I invite you to book a free 1-on-1 "Generational Cleansing" Session with me.

On this fast-paced call we'll look at your background, experiences, and current situation, and we'll see what's possible for you and your family in terms of healing in the next six months.  We'll examine what you're doing now and find out what's working and what's not.  We will identify the #1 thing holding your family back from walking in the flow of God's blessings and destiny.  We will map out a plan to get you where you want to go faster.  You'll leave the call feeling clear, confident and excited about taking yourself and your generations to the next level!

Schedule GENERATIONAL CLEANSING Strategy Session

Generational Cleansing Individualized

6 month coaching program

  • Learn how Satan captures your generations
  • Individualized prayer for healing and release
  • All sessions are recorded if you wish
  • Handouts available
  • Power point presentations available

Generational Cleansing Monthly Subscription

per month

  • Learn how Satan captures your generations
  • Individualized prayer for healing and release
  • All sessions are recorded if you wish
  • Handouts available
  • Power point presentations available

Generational Cleansing

Schedule Strategy Call

  • Evaluate your situation
  • Look at what you have already done
  • What is working and what is not
  • Map out a plan

What are people saying?

Liz Osorio

Working with Barbara during my healing journey has been an incredible experience. Her spirit-led guidance has helped me navigate some of the most profound, hurtful soul wounds that I've been carrying for years, including healing from past trauma and breaking generational curses. With her guidance, I have broken free from negative patterns and beliefs passed down through my generations. Her expertise and compassion have helped make this healing journey effective and ultimately life changing. I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to work with such a skilled, dedicated, and Jesus-loving woman of faith. I highly recommend her to anyone seeking to uncover, deal with, and heal from past trauma and break generational curses. If you feel "stuck," unable to break cycles and get rid of baggage, it's time to get serious about healing! True healing and breakthrough are possible.

-Liz O., AK  


What are people saying?

 Sandy Grabowski

I grew up believing there was no one there for me and I had to figure out life on my own.  Trust was not easy for me and I grew up strong and independent, believing I had no needs. In addition, the last 15 yrs taught me that when I sought God, bad things would happen.  My family has gone through multiple accidents, premature deaths, and financial problems. I felt like I was walking through Job’s life.   

Going through this course with Barbara has shown me many reasons why we had been experiencing continual loss and lack in our lives.  It became evident that God was not the one who caused the devastation.  My walls of self-protection, especially towards my heavenly Father, are coming down and I have experienced such freedom.  I now have a sense of security that I have never known.  He will provide for me and protect me as I discover His goodness, His faithfulness, and His trustworthiness.  The “ya buts” no longer have the power to keep me from believing in the Goodness of God in the land of the living. 

I am so thankful that Barbara said yes to Father when He directed her to create this life changing course to set His people free.  She is wonderful to work with and I have felt very safe being totally transparent and real.  I feel Barbara is very connected to God and spirit led.  She has been very encouraging and supportive.  I have felt for years that part of my purpose on earth is to set my generations free to be who God created them to be, impacting and changing the world around them for the kingdom of God, and now it is happening.

-Sandy G., AK