My Hindsight -- Your Foresight

I help heal, equip, and empower Christian parents in emotionally supporting their children through trauma and separation. 

There are two types of childhood trauma:  

Type A—The absence of the necessary good things like home, safety, food, and love.

Type B—The presence of bad things like physical, emotional, and spiritual abuse.

You don’t have to wait until your child experiences trauma; you can be proactive and prepare in advance to help your child meet life head on successfully!  However, it is also never too late to heal hurts and help them become the person God made them to be.

Have you ever said any of these things?

  • I just want my child to grow up knowing and trusting the Lord.
  • I don't want my mess to negatively impact my child.
  • Where did my happy, cooperative child go?  What is going on!
  • Why has my child walked away from God and everything I have taught them?

 If you can relate to any of that, then this special coaching program is going to be life-changing for you.

What you get with this coaching program:

  • Three fully illustrated children's books to use to start hard conversations with your children.
  • A downloadable workbook with practice exercises to do with your children.
  • Individualized help you need to address your needs and the needs of your children. 

How bad could it get?

Before I unpack the specifics, I want you to consider for a moment, the results of doing nothing.  Ignoring a problem, doesn't make it go away.  It makes the problem worse!

If you ignore trauma and sweep the emotions in your family under the rug, these are the long-term results you are very likely to get:

  • A child who turns to drugs or alcohol to ease their pain
  • Anger and rage that surfaces for no apparent reason
  • Rebellion from your once docile, cooperative, and happy child
  • Jail time, courts, and a record to contend with their whole life
  • Teenage pregnancy, joblessness, drug rehab, tragic marriages

The stakes only get higher and higher with more and more to loose mentally, emotionally, and financially.

This program will EMPOWER you and your children to:

  • E stablish effective boundaries

Effective boundaries are those that we can actually enforce. Many people have boundaries that come crashing down when a little guilt-tripping, manipulation, or blame is applied by a skilled person. Some people have no boundaries and they become whoever anyone wants them to be. Some people don't even know boundaries are needed. They just say yes to everyone and everything!  

  • M ature Identity in Christ

At some point peers begin to have a great deal of influence on our children.  It takes a strong identity to stand against the tide of peer pressure coming against our kids; especially in their teenage years.  The belief in God you have so carefully nurtured in your child will be kicked to the curb if their relationship with Jesus is not real--leading me to the next step. 

  • P ractically experiencing God

Children do not have a “junior” or “little” Holy Spirit.  The same Holy Spirit who lives in adults, lives in children.  But how do we as parents nurture that Spirit and Make Jesus Real to them in such a way that no one can talk them out of their belief?  Learn to give your child an experience with Jesus that they KNOW is real.

  • O vercome Offense 

Offense in the biggest trap the devil has and he uses it intensely against children because the younger he can “hook” them in offense and its lies, the less likely he will have to deal with them when they are older, wiser, and stronger in the Lord.  This is one of the biggest areas to building maturity in Christians and yet as we practice these tools, we can also be teaching and demonstrating how to walk successfully to our children.  When they have tools to fight offense, they can remain standing and STABLE when their world shakes.

  • W in with Words

We can tear ourselves down and ruin relationships with our words or we can learn early in life to win with our words and give them as gifts to bless others. We actually forge our futures with our words. Words are powerful! The world was created with words.  Now is the time to practice, teach and model winning words that positively influence our lives instead of tearing ourselves and others down. 

  •  E ffectively process emotions

We all have emotions. Emotions are from God and we are not to bury our emotions. Yet when we are hurt, that is often exactly what we decide to do.  It is important to learn to handle our emotions correctly so we can feel them without letting them drive our lives! Jesus showed us examples of how to do this. 

Children who have been through divorce, separation and trauma can often seem to be "just fine" and look stable--UNTIL they are not!  This often surprises parents starting in the teen years when their wonderful, cooperative child suddenly becomes rebellious and uncontrollable.  The easiest time to get on top of these emotions is sooner and not later.  Buried emotions never die.  They just rot and come out later in more destructive ways.  

  • eplace lies with truth 

We all have lenses that we see and interpret our world through. These lenses are often formed in early childhood through the things we experience and how we interpret those experiences. The earlier we clean off those lenses, the less destructive life decisions we will make!  As a parent, your “life lenses” affect your children and may need some cleaning in order to see your children's world clearly.  The individualized approach of this coaching program will help you do just that. 

What is the next serious step?

If you want to heal, equip and empower yourself so you can support your children through trauma and separation, I invite you to book a free 1-on-1 "Raise Stable Children" Session with me.

On this fast-paced call we'll look at your background, experience, and current situation, and we'll see what's possible for you in terms of healing and understanding in the next 3 months.  We'll examine what you're doing now and find out what's working and what's not.  We will identify and #1 thing holding you back from the peaceful family relationships that you want to have and map out a plan to get you where you want to go faster.  You'll leave the call feeling clear, confident and excited about taking yourself and your children to the next level.


Schedule RAISE STABLE CHILDREN Strategy Session

Raise Stable Children 1 on 1

3 month coaching program

  • Establish effective boundaries
  • Mature Identity in Christ
  • Practically experience God
  • Overcome offense
  • Win with words
  • Effectively process emotions
  • Replace lies with truth

Raise Stable Children Group of Five

1 individualized hour per mo.

  • Establish effective boundaries
  • Mature Identity in Christ
  • Practically experience God
  • Overcome offense
  • Win with words
  • Effectively process emotions
  • Replace lies with truth

Raise Stable Children

Schedule Strategy Call

  • Evaluate your situation
  • Look at what you have already done
  • What is working and what is not
  • Map out a plan

What are people saying?

Connie Coyle

 I am a single mom of two boys. My husband, their dad, passed away two years ago. As a full-time working mom with not much family support I often lack time and sometimes patience for my children. Therefore, it is especially important to me to spend quality time with them, with meaningful conversations and the ability to recognize opportunities to speak truth and light into their lives.

As a believer in Christ, it is my desire for my children to see God’s love and to follow his guidance in their lives. 

When I started Barbara’s coaching sessions, I found exactly what I was looking for. Reading her books with my children opened up opportunities for conversations about difficult and painful topics, how to cope with them and reinforced God’s amazing compassion and love for us.

I loved that each one of those sessions is recorded and made available to be downloaded in addition to individualized worksheets, prayers over our family, and cross references to scripture.

Barbara has a very likable personality and is passionate to provide tools and support to struggling parents to overcome obstacles that prevent effective communication with their children.

I can absolutely recommend her counseling sessions and books.  I feel like there is so much more I could mention in this recommendation, because Barbara made a significant impact on me and my family. 

Connie Coyle, TN. 

What are people saying?

 Paula Taylor

This coaching/training is LIFE CHANGING!  You will realize the hurt and lies about yourself that you have been carrying around for years and Barbara will lead you and your family on a healing journey.  The training is organized, step-by-step with practical, insightful, well-balanced dialogue that applies to myself, my family, and the teen moms I work with.  It has opened my eyes to additional ways of interacting with others as they deal with dysfunction and hurts from their past, helping them to heal as they recognize lies they have been believing.

 I loved the books and the progression of the steps.  It has changed the way I speak over my son's life and given me insights on how to talk him through his healing and answer his questions.  It will change the way that I interact with others and speak Jesus’ truth and life to allow them to live a full life with tools to heal and prevent further hurt and disfunction.  This coaching/training has positively impacted my life and my son.

I would definitely recommend working with Barbara to change your family.

Paula Taylor, AK